EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief

EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief
EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief

EMS Foot Massager - For Lasting Foot Pain Relief

4.8/5 (Ibbażat fuq 1438 reviżjonijiet)
CHF 55.00 Prezz regolari CHF 123.00 Prezz imnaqqas Ħaffef! L-offerta tispiċċa dalwaqt
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Ppruvat xjentifikament li jipprovdi serħan dejjiemi mill-uġigħ tas-sieq

Eżenzjoni Instant Mill Fasciitis Plantar u Nefħa

Riġlejn aktar b'saħħithom fi 30 jum biss jew flusek lura

Tbaħħir b'xejn illum u rċevih bejn Biex

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Jien inbati minn fasciitis plantar tassew, tassew ħażina kultant. Dan massager huwa tassew utli. Is-serħan L-uġigħ tiegħi spiċċa għal kollox. M'għandix għalfejn nieħu daqstant mediċina għall-uġigħ! Grazzi oh-tant!

Marija Xerrej Verifikat
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X'idea kbira! Jiena noqgħod fuq l-iskrivanija tiegħi għal perjodi twal ta 'żmien kuljum, u saqajja ħafna drabi jmorru numb. Saqajja spiss ikunu kesħin, u għandi problemi biex torqod. Il-massager tas-saqajn jgħinni; is-sensazzjoni hija simili għal trattament ta 'chiropractor u rilassanti ħafna.

Anna Xerrej Verifikat

Healthier legs after just 15 minutes of use per day

This Revolutionary massager, deeply stimulates foot and leg muscles through low-frequency electrical pulse, target trigger points and alleviates tension at the source

 Relieves muscle Plantar Fasciitis, Neuropathy and Inflammation.
 Extremely effective solution for high blood pressure.
✓ Relieves leg swelling, improves the blood circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage.
 96.6% of Users Reported Feeling Immediate Relief.
45 Days Money-Back Guarantee.

 A Unique Combination of Deep Massage Treatments That Prevent Swollen ankles, Stiffness, and Sore feet

You won't believe how amazing this massager works to facilitate better blood circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite lumps on the leg and thigh areas. If you sit at a desk all day, this foot massager will provide you with complete relief. 

You can adjust the frequency and intensity to meet your requirements:

  • 8 Modes -To meet your massage needs, intelligent artificial massage techniques can be freely combined according to personal preferences and the level of physical stress.
  • 18 Adjustable intensity -Directly stimulate the acupuncture points, reduce physical and mental fatigue, and improve sleep.

How To Use

After a long day of hard work or even simply wearing a pair of uncomfortable shoes, just 15 minutes per day relaxes your feet, helps you maintain healthy blood circulation in your legs, provides fast-acting relief from swollen legs and feet, and eases tired, aching feet.


Attach the operator device to the foot mat, which uses three buttons to control different functions.


Place both feet on the floor, press the "+" or "-" button to turn on the device, and adjust the intensity. Press "M" to switch the modes.


You are ready to experience a clinic-like massage in your own space. For effective results, use for 10–15 minutes a day, 3–4 days a week.

No More Swollen Calves and Ankles

This breakthrough EMS technology causes muscles in the affected area of your body to reset and remain in a relaxed state.

Then the electrical impulses relieve stressed and strained nerves allowing them to heal and recover.

This technology:

 Instantly eliminates the pain
✓ Heal damaged tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.
 Increases strength, flexibility and mobility
✓ Reduces swelling and inflammation

Clinical Proof

This study investigated the impact of a novel foot neuromuscular electrical stimulator on physical function, leg pain, leg symptoms, and leg blood flow in older adults, over an 8-week treatment period.

The results indicated that the use of NMES led to increased blood circulation in the legs, which could help alleviate symptoms such as pain, cramps, heaviness, and tiredness.

Specifically, the application of NMES to the plantar surface of the feet caused the calf muscle to contract indirectly, thus activating the musculo-venous pump and improving circulation.

Source: Binoy K., Darren T., Tim W., Retrieved from:


Each Purchase is backed by an iron-clad, “45-day, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE"

I know what you’re thinking now – “this seems great, but will it actually work as promised? Or is this another internet gimmick?”.

We get it. You’ve probably been burnt by other pain relief devices promising the world and failing to deliver.

And here’s why we’re different. Once you receive the product, you have 45 days to use it. If for some reason you don’t get foot pain relief…
Simply email our support team, and we will refund your purchase amount in full. We’ll even let you keep the product out of convenience.

We work hard to bring you the best and highest quality products on the market. We ship all orders with tracking numbers and keep you updated with the latest news while your order is on its way to you.

Klijenti Sodisfatti Veri
& Kif Ara fuq:

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti

Għal min hu dan il-massager tas-saqajn?

huwa għal kull min ibati minn uġigħ kroniku tas-sieq, newropatija periferali, fasciitis plantar, ebusija jew uġigħ fis-saqajn tagħhom. Ukoll għal kull min għandu s-saqajn minfuħin jew ċirkolazzjoni ħażina tad-demm.

Kemm jekk tkun ikkawżata mill-età, attività ta’ kuljum, disturb metaboliku bħad-dijabete, jew minn tensjoni miżmuma f’postijiet ewlenin u sensittivi tul saqajk.

X'benefiċċji nista' nistenna?

Ħelsien mill-uġigħ u l-iskumdità; tisħin taż-żona affettwata qabel jum intensiv; uġigħ serħan il-moħħ biex jippromwovi l-irqad; u rkupru mtejjeb wara l-eżerċizzju jew tkun fuq saqajk il-ġurnata kollha.

Kemm nista' nħoss ir-riżultati malajr?

L-utenti qed jirrappurtaw li ħassew is-serħan f'saqajhom wara l-ewwel użu. Iktar ma tużah spiss u tadatta għall-aħjar intensità għalik, iktar ikollok riżultati aħjar.

Kemm idum it-tbaħħir?

L-ordnijiet normalment jintbagħtu fi żmien 24–48 siegħa, u l-kunsinna tista' tieħu bejn 9–12-il ġurnata (skond fejn tkun). Inti ser tirċievi informazzjoni dwar it-traċċar permezz ta' e-mail wara li tintbagħat l-ordni tiegħek.

X'jittratta l-apparat?

L-apparat tiegħek inħoloq biex itaffi l-uġigħ fil-muskoli, itejjeb iċ-ċirkolazzjoni tad-demm, jistimula drenaġġ limfatiku, u jtaffi n-nefħa tar-riġlejn.

Nista' nuża dan għall-irkupru atletiku?

Iva - oriġinarjament iddisinjat biex serħan l-uġigħ f'moħħu, il-massager kien suċċess assolut ma 'runners, basketballers, u atleti oħra għall-kapaċità tiegħu li jippromwovi l-irkupru atletiku.

X'inhi l-politika tar-ritorn tiegħek?

Il-garanzija ta' flus lura ta' 45 jum hija l-mod tagħna kif niżguraw is-sodisfazzjon sħiħ tiegħek bil-prodotti tagħna. Jekk m'intix sodisfatt bil-prodott, imbagħad għarrafna fi żmien 45 jum kalendarju minn meta tirċievi l-ordni tiegħek, u aħna nagħtuk rifużjoni sħiħa. Nistgħu nitolbu informazzjoni addizzjonali fil-każ li l-apparat jiġi rrappurtat bħala difettuż jew difettuż. L-ispiża tat-tbaħħir għall-oġġetti rritornati hija koperta mill-klijenti.

Meta se jintemm il-bejgħ?

Qed noffru 1000 unità bi prezz imraħħas. Il-BEJGĦ jintemm fid-data ddikjarata hawn fuq f'din il-paġna, jew sakemm jispiċċaw l-istokks.

Il-wegħdiet tagħna


It-tim tagħna qiegħed hawn biex iwieġeb il-mistoqsijiet kollha tiegħek, 24 siegħa kuljum, 7 ijiem fil-ġimgħa.


Aħna għażilna li nafdaw ix-xiri tiegħek lil Stripe u PayPal grazzi għas-servizzi 100% siguri tagħhom.


L-ordni tiegħek tintbagħat fi żmien 24-48 siegħa u titwassal fid-dar tiegħek fi żmien 9-14-il jum!


L-istandards ta 'kwalità għolja tagħna jiggarantixxu s-sodisfazzjon tal-klijenti tagħna. Barra minn hekk, noffru garanzija ta 'flus lura ta' 45 jum.