Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals

Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals
Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals

Women's Orthotic Comfort Sandals

4.8/5 (Ibbażat fuq 713 reviżjonijiet)
€699,00 Prezz regolari €1.199,00 Prezz imnaqqas Ħaffef! L-offerta tispiċċa dalwaqt
Prezz unitarju  par 

Sistema aħħarija ta 'awto-massaġġi

Ittaffi l-pressjoni fil-muskoli tar-riġlejn, ittaffi l-iskumdità

Riġlejn aktar b'saħħithom f'45 jum biss jew flusek lura

Tbaħħir b'xejn illum u rċevih bejn Biex

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Kont sorpriż meta waslet għax hija ħafna irqaq milli stennejt u wkoll ħafifa ħafna. Imma naqra!

Dan hu daqshekk rilassanti, u ma jxekkilx saqajk bħal massagers oħra. Huwa ġentili u jittratta kull punt sewwa. Faċli biex tużah, u tista' teħodha b'mod konvenjenti kullimkien.

Marija Xerrej Verifikat
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X'idea kbira! Jiena noqgħod fuq l-iskrivanija tiegħi għal perjodi twal ta 'żmien kuljum, u saqajja ħafna drabi jmorru numb. Saqajja spiss ikunu kesħin, u għandi problemi biex torqod. Il-massager tas-saqajn jgħinni; is-sensazzjoni hija simili għal trattament ta 'chiropractor u rilassanti ħafna.

Anna Xerrej Verifikat


Anti-slip sole 
✓Relieves pain and discomfort 
✓Corrects stepping and relieves back pain 
✓Keeps your feet comfortable and healthy 
✓Distributes pressure on the soles of your feet

The Fusion of Retro Charm and Beneficial Foot Support.

Pampering Footbed - Our wedge sandals come with a comforting footbed that not only cushions your feet but also promotes better blood circulation, contributing to your well-being.

Supportive Arch Design - The arch support in our wedge sandals ensures an ideal fit, offering a level of comfort that allows for all-day wear. They are easily wearable and effortlessly removable.

Steady Non-Slip Rubber Sole - The sandals feature a sturdy non-slip rubber sole, accompanied by a soft synthetic upper, breathable lining, and attractive floral adornment.

Encourages a proper walking stance to balance the feet, rectify posture, and mitigate muscle imbalances.


  • Pain Reduction: Helps alleviate pain associated with flat feet, improper walking posture, and plantar fasciitis.
  • Postural Alignment: Aids in realigning the hips, correcting knock-knees, and muscle imbalances by modifying foot structure.
  • Equal Weight Dispersion: Our innovative three-arch-support design ensures weight is equally distributed across the toes, arch, and ball of your feet at all times.
  • Made from high-quality materialsOur sandals promise durability through multiple seasons with their top-notch construction and offer excellent traction to prevent slips.
  • Lightweight and comfortable:  Our unique platform and wedge design aims to offer maximum comfort, mitigating any foot pain during prolonged standing or walking.
  • Easy to adjust:  The straps adapt to your foot size, eliminating issues of over-tightness or looseness. Whereas feet may slip out from regular sandals, our robust leather buckle straps provide a firm hold, preventing any such occurrences.
  • Elegant and stylish:  Besides the advantages outlined above, our objective is to incorporate a fashionable aesthetic that enhances your wardrobe. This sandal exudes a classic, vintage aura. Its round-toe design ensures toe comfort, adding to its appeal.

45-Day Money-Back Guarantee and Hassle-Free Returns

Once you receive the product, you have 45 days to use it. If for some reason you don’t love it… Simply email our support team, and we will refund your purchase amount in full. We’ll even let you keep the product out of convenience. We work hard to bring you the best and highest quality products. We ship all orders with tracking numbers and keep you updated with the latest news while your order is on its way to you.

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti

Kemm idum it-tbaħħir?

L-ordnijiet normalment jintbagħtu fi żmien 24–48 siegħa, u l-kunsinna tista' tieħu bejn 9–14-il ġurnata (skond fejn tkun). Inti ser tirċievi informazzjoni dwar it-traċċar permezz ta' e-mail wara li tintbagħat l-ordni tiegħek.

X'benefiċċji nista' nistenna?

Ħelsien mill-uġigħ u l-iskumdità; tisħin taż-żona affettwata qabel jum intensiv; uġigħ serħan il-moħħ biex jippromwovi l-irqad; u rkupru mtejjeb wara l-eżerċizzju jew tkun fuq saqajk il-ġurnata kollha.

X'jittratta l-apparat?

L-apparat tiegħek inħoloq biex itaffi l-uġigħ fil-muskoli, itejjeb iċ-ċirkolazzjoni tad-demm, jistimula drenaġġ limfatiku, u jtaffi n-nefħa tar-riġlejn.

Nista' nuża dan għall-irkupru atletiku?

Iva - oriġinarjament iddisinjat biex serħan l-uġigħ f'moħħu, il-massager kien suċċess assolut ma 'runners, basketballers, u atleti oħra għall-kapaċità tiegħu li jippromwovi l-irkupru atletiku.

X'inhi l-politika tar-ritorn tiegħek?

Il-garanzija ta' flus lura ta' 45 jum hija l-mod tagħna kif niżguraw is-sodisfazzjon sħiħ tiegħek bil-prodotti tagħna. Jekk m'intix sodisfatt bil-prodott, imbagħad għarrafna fi żmien 45 jum kalendarju minn meta tirċievi l-ordni tiegħek, u aħna nagħtuk rifużjoni sħiħa. Nistgħu nitolbu informazzjoni addizzjonali fil-każ li l-apparat jiġi rrappurtat bħala difettuż jew difettuż. L-ispiża tat-tbaħħir għall-oġġetti rritornati hija koperta mill-klijenti.

Il-wegħdiet tagħna


It-tim tagħna qiegħed hawn biex iwieġeb il-mistoqsijiet kollha tiegħek, 24 siegħa kuljum, 7 ijiem fil-ġimgħa.


Aħna għażilna li nafdaw ix-xiri tiegħek lil Stripe u PayPal grazzi għas-servizzi 100% siguri tagħhom.


L-ordni tiegħek tintbagħat fi żmien 24-48 siegħa u titwassal fid-dar tiegħek fi żmien 9-14-il jum!


L-istandards ta 'kwalità għolja tagħna jiggarantixxu s-sodisfazzjon tal-klijenti tagħna. Barra minn hekk, noffru garanzija ta 'flus lura ta' 45 jum.