Please note that we are receiving more and more reports of counterfeiting of our POSTUR products.

As a reminder, all Postur products come with a minimum one-year warranty, and a minimum 45-day money-back guarantee, however we can only refund or exchange if the product is a genuine POSTUR product

So please note that we cannot refund devices purchased from fraudulent online stores or on Amazon, as these are not our genuine products.

How do I know if this is a product made in Postur Technology's labs?

  1. You can only purchase the Official Products on the Official Postur Technology website. (USA) (EUROPE)

Or in our stores

  • Montpellier
  • Paris
  • Neuchâtel
  • Frankfort
  • Cork
  • Chicago
  • Denver
  • San Francisco
  • Valency

or at our official partner Pharmacy, doctor and podiatrist approved official POSTUR® dealer

The packaging still includes the logo of POSTUR and official document POSTUR will still be present.

If you are unsure about an authorized dealer, please contact our Postur team at